
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Reading Schedule

So lately I've been reading a lot more secular books than Christian-based ones. I feel bad and I wonder if it's the Holy Spirit speaking to me to get back on track. It's like this is the only thing that's been on my mind as of late. I LOVE reading but I dislike feeling guilty for reading Albert Camus or Jean-Paul (Baptiste) Sartre. Isn't all truth from God? Am I not able to still enjoy other reading?

I've come to a conclusion thanks to many good thinkers around me: I'm going to make it a point to read my Bible and theology at least four times a week. I know, I know-I should be reading those sources a lot more than that, but it's a rational and logical start, and I'm all about rationality and logic.

Other than making myself anxious about reading, things have been pretty calm. I've come down with some sort of sore throat/sinus infection combination that's terribly annoying. I can't even sleep in my own bed next to Cari because of my scratchy throat and runny nose. I'm exhausted all of the time and I feel as though I can't concentrate on anything. If you know me at all you know I'm a terrible listener and payer-of-attention, and I'm also the worse in the memory department. Thanks to this illness, I'm worse by far.

Anyway, other than complaining (which is also my specialty) I'll leave you with good wishes for the holidays. Au revoir!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Eli's First Birthday Party

Elias James has a birthday coming a week from today, but we had his friends party last night. It was so much fun and I think the line, "It's (his) party and (he'll) cry if he wants to" might be appropriate for our sweet boy. He was so tired the entire week being dragged around from party store to Target and back to another store with a party theme. Finally yesterday was his day to shine and see all his friends.

The list of people is as follows: my parents and Mimi, the Wilsons, the Hataways, the Corteses, the Landons, the Bergs, Cari's parents, and my brother, Tim. Auntie Nana came later just in time for Bocce Ball, provided by the Rhodens. We had a blast getting to see all our friends and catching up with each family. We're immensely blessed for a major prayer answered with them all. When Cari and I were dating and engaged, we prayed for a group of friends who were close in age and situation (children, married, just-engaged, dating, etc.). We have all of these facets in our friends. Most have children, and the ones without are deeply in love with their spouses, and more importantly, deeply in love with our Christ. We've never been happier to be around such wonderful and gracious friends.

Eli got to play with his buds in the hay we had stacked in the backyard lined with small pumpkins (compliments to Great Aunt Brenda and Great Uncle Bill). They crawled through the soft grass after one another in search of blacker dirt on their pants. We took so many great pictures that hopefully Cari will put on our Picasa site. The birthday boy also got to enjoy his cupcake with orange frosting. Finally, before we attempted to put him down for a nap, Eli opened his awesome gifts from the gang. Elmo is now the "thing" Eli loves the most, especially the Tickle Me Elmo X-treme that my parents got him. Honestly, though, the guitar and spiral toy that the Hataways and Landons (in order respectively) gave him have been hits, as well. Thanks to the Corteses, Eli will look sharp at church or a wedding in his beautiful attire. It's funny to see him try to ride the horse with lights and sounds that Mimi gave him; he thinks it's going to go further than it does, and when it doesn't, he growls as if to say, "Faster! Yah, yah!" Cari and I even got a Chili's gift card from the Wilsons that we intend to use for a date night or two.

We couldn't have asked for a better turn out or party. A few people couldn't show up and they were missed, but overall, everything went so well. Cari really has to be complimented on her skill at throwing fun parties. She first held my surprise birthday party this January, and now another perfect and fun time was had thanks to her. We appreciate, also, all the hard work and dedication from the Rhodens for opening their home to fellow Christians who desire God first in what they do. We couldn't have had the great time we did without their spacious house and backyard. To anyone I missed for helping, thank you. It's sometimes the people in the background that do the most.

In the end, I thank my Lord for gorgeous weather and the best friends and family a guy like me could ask for. We've been blessed so many times over by His ever-giving hands, and He gave us a day to remember forever yesterday. The fun thing is we get to do it all over again next Sunday with more family and Karis being here to eat cake and spend time with Eli. I'm sure there will be another post on that party.