
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pumpkin Patch 2

Alrighty, we're back from the patch and it was great! I wish we could have stayed longer but since it's Florida, even the fall weather can be hazardous to any baby's health. We faced the heat and took dozens and dozens of pictures, so here's one for now.

This is Eli staring off to his right amongst his orange friends.

Initially we were going to let Eli choose his first pumpkin, but he was more interested in playing with hay and pieces of grass. We grabbed one and hopefully we'll carve it soon.

Pumpkin Patch

So we're heading to a pumpkin patch today. I, like Kim, LOVE THE FALL AND OCTOBER AND HALLOWEEN. Why all the caps? 'Cause.

Cari did some awesome detective work and found a close pumpkin patch that doesn't charge admission and appears to be interesting enough to hold Eli's attention. We're taking our camera and hopefully will load those up later so to show off our chubby monkey.

Last night at Sonic Burger (is that it's name?) we went out with the Landons for the five-for-five deal they have. I ate three and Cari one, but she could've eaten more. We got flavored drinks (Cari had something put in her Sprite and I had cranberry in my Coke); they have the best ice. We all got to talking about children and when each couple would try for a second. Madison was sleeping at the time and Eli was eating his puffs and Cheerios. Sitting there in the cooler weather (still in the eighties) made me wish we were in the position to get Eli a sibling.

Sometimes during the conversation I felt as if I slipped out my mind's back door and went into another room to think. Am I not relying on God's providence when it comes to raising my family? Should Cari and I just proceed to be a married couple and allow the One we lean on to work His will out in our children? It's so difficult to know what to do and when.

So many years ago people relied on God in ways that simply humble me. They looked to Him for guidance in where they would work or lay their heads; simple people who turned to the Lord for relief from pressures and their own proud ways. When I'm proud or arrogant, I turn to God; for some reason, though, I have a harder time letting go of my own reasoning when it comes to my family. I guess this is how I learn to grow in Him.

Well, Eli just woke from his nap so it's on to the wonderful day off with my two favorite people. Maybe soon we'll have those pictures posted!