
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Too Difficult To Reason

For those who lose loved ones, how do you cope? I know how to get through a funeral of an uncle or great-grandmother, but what about the babies that never breathed outside the womb? I struggled through my two hamsters' deaths, but how do I express the love I've lost for one I never met? I've cried for friends and family, but will my tears ever end this special one?

I feel so selfish for exclaiming my sorrow when there are others who feel the pain innumerable times over about this circumstance. Cari and I have tried dealing with this situation over the past couple of days and we keep coming up with confused looks. Why sometimes God calls a young one home (I don't even want to get into the theological aspects too deeply here) before the time we feel they should have is beyond me. I don't have it in me to answer the tougher questions like these.

I guess the whole reason I'm posting such an awkwardly indirect piece like this is to explain my love for Christ, first. He is good to us in ways we can't comprehend. Sometimes babies aren't strong enough to make it and it's best their lives be stopped then. If my hope is true, these babies will be with the Heavenly Father forever.

To our friends, we love you. We're forever with you and we can't describe our feelings of sadness for you. One day we'll not cry nor feel pain. One day we'll worship at His feet and forget these past lives of pain and heartache. Until then, we pray for continual friendships and love between our families. Again, we love you.


Kim said...

life sucks sometimes... I'm sorry for your friends.

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. I couldn't imagine being in their position, but I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, and sometimes, only He knows the reason. Have faith.

Adam & Amy Wilson said...

Justin, we just caught your post- how profoundly kind of you to write with such meaning...thank you for your REAL friendship. We are so grateful for you two (three:)). May He be forever praised!