
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Drowning in School

I can't believe it but I'm completely swamped and drowning in school right now! I knew this semester would be tough with six courses (had to drop English Novel because-well, the title should be enough of an explanation), but this is ridiculous. I shouldn't be on here at all. I should be reading about Elizabethan history or attempting my MS Office classes. I feel so overwhelmed and nearly sick. I hate this feeling. It's a claustrophobic feeling that I got when I was going in for my second appendectomy. The doctors had to give me something for my anxiety. Bleh, this is troubling. Why did I take this much school in one semester? Oh yeah: to get ahead; to better myself; to get my family out of someone else's house and into our own.

I told Cari tonight that we should go to high schools and give speeches about how to not mess up future plans because there wasn't a past plan. First, don't plan on having a baby without at least a Bachelor's Degree. Second, buy a mini-van or reliable SUV early and have it paid off by the time your first child's born. Third, have money in the bank for a house down payment, at least twenty percent of the house's worth. Low interest rates then.

Instead of this great master plan we're doing the best with what we've got. Gotta love the ironies in life. Gotta love God's patience with us. I guess I'll go read about Queen Elizabeth or at least read John Smith's diary entries for some lit class whose title I can't recall at this hour.


Kim said...

Dear Cousin-in-law,
Ah, but the high school kids would think you're an idiot. You just gotta learn it for yourself sometimes. The Lord is growing you through your circumstances. We've got three kids and live in someone else's house; on their charity. The Lord will provide; He knows our need.

Brenda said...

You are walking the path that the Lord has for you - he gives you direction - be patient...take a breath..."be" in Him....

love you -

Kristi said...

We are right there with you!!! At the end of this path, there will be a new adventure. God's funny like that. His challenges only make us stronger. Love you guys.