
Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Nice Surprise

We finally got hooked to the Internet again. We're so happy that we can check our e-mail, work with our finances, and chat with friends again through Facebook. It's funny how a few days without it can throw us off, even just a little. While the Brighthouse tech was here, he discovered we have free cable through the neighborhood. At first I thought we'd have to pay, but he said it's a bulk package that the Enclave provides. While I'm thrilled to have Fox News and the History Channel back, I'm a little concerned that we'll watch it too often. It's an area I'll have to pray through constantly, I'm sure.

Our home is wonderful, by the way! We realize that renting is sometimes seen as "throwing money away" but when the Lord provides for a certain type of situation, we don't ask questions. Furthermore, we've been blessed with a quiet neighborhood that is close to our friends, church, and my job. I took Eli on a walk the other night while it was cool, and we looked at Christmas lights and toads. It was a time that I took in greatly with my son.

Our families are still about the same distance from us, which is how it used to be in the old apartment. Cari is currently looking at colors to paint the walls, but we're still not sure if we're going to paint at all. I guess we have time to think it through.

There's really not a lot to say other than we're honored and thankful to the families who helped our move be as simple and stress-free as one could hope. To our family, we're grateful for the two years you allowed us to grow in your home. Without that time...well, who knows what would have become of our walks with Christ and for our family. We certainly would have been lesser people without you.

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