
Friday, August 17, 2007

Bananas in my hair!

Hey everyone! Justin and I have had this blog site for a while now but I have yet to write anything on here, quite honestly I had forgotten we even had a blog site. So... I thought tonight would be a good time since my two loves are fast asleep.

Random thoughts: When Justin and I were living in our apartment we used to always play Tag. We would run around the apartment trying to catch one another while trying not to run too hard so we wouldn't disturb our downstairs neighbors, however, I didn't really care about bothering them because I found them to be rather rude. We still occasionally will play Tag, but tonight's game was the best of all. Briana even got involved in this one. I do not recall what started the game but somehow bananas were introduced. We all three chased each other with Eli's left over bananas. Justin successfully smeared bananas all through out mine and Briana's hair. But I wonderfully crammed and smashed banana all inside Justin's ear!!! An hour later he found more crusty banana on the back of his neck! My hair is still crusty by the way... and my neck, and my arms, and I just found some in my ear as well. I need to take a shower.

Before Justin and I got married he had lived by himself for a year, and before that he had lived on his own with roommates for a year and a half or so. So, needless to say when we got married and I moved in with him he had to adjust to someone in his personal space again. He was extremely patient with me and welcomed me with open arms to his once bachelor pad. I was taking a shower soon after we had wed and I noticed that his shampoo, conditioner, and other miscellaneous bottles were all perfectly facing label out, in the same exact direction, neatly closed. I began conspiring. I simply turned one bottle, label out, just facing the other direction. Later, Justin enters the shower. I had forgotten about what I had done till I heard "Cari?!". "Yes?" I answered. "Did you use my shampoo?! Not that I care, but I was just wondering!". I laughed! Then one day I saw a stack of Tic Tac mints neatly organized in a pyramid. I removed the top one. It took him about three minutes to notice. I spent the rest of our days in the apartment purposely rearranging his belongings simply to amuse myself. I'm thinking I should pick that habit back up again, it was a fun one! I also loved to hide behind corners and jump out at Justin and hear him shriek as he exclaimed he knew I was there! Yeah, sure! My favorite scare was when he was in the shower when I got home from work early. I had a cold and had no voice so I didn't bother popping my head in to tell him I was home. When the shower turned off I realized I would probably frighten him since he didn't know I was there. So, I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, I don't know why I thought that was less scary. So, Justin comes out of the shower wrapped in a towel and walks into the bedroom. He saw me and just started screaming!! He even stopped to take a breath in between screams! I just sat there with this completely innocent look on my face that said "I'm so sorry"! Even as he stared at me he continued to scream. I ended up laughing hysterically! Keep in mind I had a cold, I could not talk nor could I breathe through my nose, which almost led me to pass out! Justin has given me tremendous laughs since we've been married, unfortunately most of them were at his expense. But those are the moments in our marriage that I can look back on and always smile and laugh about with him. Justin is wonderful, he completes my life!

Eli: He is such a boy. He eats whatever he finds on the ground. Grass, dirt, shoes, dog food, bug wings...all of my energy is spent chasing him and taking things out of his mouth. He also now thinks it's belly laughing funny when he burps or passes gas. I can't help but laugh a little too when he does it! He also has ZERO fear or perception of heights. The edge of the bed means nothing to him! I now change his diaper on the ground instead of the changing table since he thinks the changing table is meant for gymnastics. However, the floor isn't much easier. As soon as the diaper comes undone he takes off crawling and sitting wherever he can in the room, gross. He also likes to put his thumb in his mouth after EVERY SINGLE bite of food and then proceeds to smear it all over his face, so messy.

Needless to say, Justin and Eli are the top two of my most wonderful joys! I'm so proud of Justin for making the Dean's list at UCF, his hard work truly pays off. He's extremely intelligent and I am excited for the day when he is a professor and can share his knowledge with others. Justin's life is busy. He works full time, goes to school full time, is a husband, and a father. He manages to still somehow spend time with us and make our days off together fun. I am proud of Eli and the accomplishments he tackles every day that he is growing. He's a curious little boy and I'm thankful for that, I think it means he'll be smart like his daddy. I love them!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yea! Let's keep in touch... I do have a my space account but I never do anything to it. I'm content with the blogger nation. I'm glad you are going to blog, I'll be checking!